Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Herstory

Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art, Herstory

The Brooklyn Museum is still in my opinion a secret New York treasure. The museum is not located on museum row therefor it is a pre-meditated visit and it is a place that more people should think about visiting.

Young African by Consuelo Kanaga

There is current exhibit that ends Oct. 17th that is worth a drop by for anyone who wants to get a better and different handle on the history of this country.

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Latinophiles at The Olney Gallery

Latinophiles at The Olney Gallery

Last night stopped by Olney Gallery at the Cathedral Center for the Arts, Phoenix to see the beautiful

See Spirit by Donna Atwood

prints of Donna Atwood and Brent Bond. A Lovely exhibition by two artist with different points of view that work well together.

The exhibits end Sept 27th
A Celebration of Mexican Cultural Influence on the Art and Lives of
Donna Atwood & Brent Bond
Woodcut, Linocut and Letterpress Prints and Photographs

Mystical Impressionism

Mystical Impressionism

“Mystical Impressionism” is the name of the presentation at the Paul Mahder Gallery in San Francisco, CA. The work of 2 Nicaraguan artists, Otto Aguilar and Omar d’Leon, are on view until January. Their paintings are steeped in color, myth and beauty.


“Otto Aguilar is an expert using pastels and acrylics. His subtle layering creates a lush depth that is both intense and inviting…Omar d’Leon is one of the most renowned painters and poets to come from Nicaragua in the last 50 years. In 1982, one of his paintings was reproduced in the form of a UNICEF Stamp.”

Mystical Impressionism” – New paintings by Omar d’Leon & Otto Aguilar

Paul Mahder Gallery

3378 Sacramento Street

San Francisco, CA

(Images: Omar d’Leon, “3 Red Mameyes” and Omar Aguilar, “Nostalgia”)

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Otto Dix at the Neue Gallery

Otto Dix at the Neue Gallery

The New York Neue Gallery is highlighting the work of German artist Otto Dix, 1891 – 1969. 

“The exhibition includes more than 100 masterpieces by Otto Dix, and addresses four themes. The first is Dix’s traumatic experiences as a soldier in World War I. The second is portraiture, a genre at which the artist excelled. The third is sexuality, a key theme in the Dix oeuvre. The fourth is religious and allegorical painting. The show includes the work that Dix is best known for—paintings from the so-called “golden Weimar years”—but to contextualize them, it also includes Dix’s work from the early 1920s, as well as his later work, produced as veiled protest against the Third Reich.“

(Image: Portrait of the Dancer Anita Berber, 1925 and Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden, 1926)

Otto Dix until August 30, 2010

Neue Galerie, 1048 Fifth Ave, NYC

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Giverny-Monet’s Water Lilies

Giverny-Monet’s Water Lilies

I,  like everyone else, makes mistakes. I spent a summer in France painting and did not go to Giverny.Of course there are always missed opportunities, some are missed because you have a temporary brain malfunction and others happen just because.

When I was about 19,  Olympia Harchuck who I worked for at Lord and Taylor in New York,  introduced me to a gentlemen who along with his brother owned a woman’s dress manufacturing company on 7th Ave in New York (They and their parents also owned a small hotel in Murray Hill). I don’t remember the name of the company but think their last name was Cohen (Cohen along with Katz, were popular names in New York and the garment industry). Mr. Cohen loved art and had at least 3 of Monet’s Water Lilies hanging in his showroom along with other paintings. I was stunned, I had seen work like this in museums but never as a part of someones personal collection.  I don’t think I knew what a collection was in the first place, other then the collection plate. Mr. Cohen talked with me for a while about my interest in being an artist and then asked if I would be interested in working at his company. At this point in my life, no one ever offered me a job-I was in unfamiliar territory (Give up a job that I liked for one I new nothing about). I told him the equivalent of “I need to think about it”, which may have been a mistake. Unfortunately,  he passed away shortly after we met.

The Moral of the Story -Follow the Monet

This story, as I remember it, came rushing back to me on seeing that Steve A. Cohen (SAC Capital Partners)  was lending his Monet to the Gaussian Gallery in New York for an exhibit “Claude Monet-Late Work“. My story became more intriguing when I learned that the current Mr. Cohen’s father was a garment manufacturer. Could it be?

If you know the family I am talking about, I would love to get my story straight.

Pard Morrison – Color!

Pard Morrison – Color!

The Brian Gross Fine Art space is hosting an exhibit of colorful Colorado artist Pard Morrison.

“Morrison creates stunning geometric paintings in patinated aluminum. On view are four new wall reliefs created specifically for the exhibition, which continues through June 25.

Morrison’s works feature repeating blocks of solid colors, applied through an enameling process that results in surfaces durable enough to withstand permanent outdoor installation. The simplicity of form and gridded structure of his work builds on the Minimalist tradition; however, in place of the cold, quiet austerity associated with the movement, Morrison’s work boasts a bold, colorful palette, and the subtle texture of the oven-fired surfaces lends a painterly element to the rigid geometric forms. Juxtapositions of neutral and vivid colors create dynamic, rhythmic color fields that make for a unique optical experience.“

Pard Morrison at One Post” until June 25, 2010

One Post Street, San Francisco, CA

(Images:  “Walking with Love”,  2007 and  “Assortment of Seeds” 2010)