by Bob Martin | Nov 2, 2007 | Art, Artist, Culture, Education, Exhibits, Galleries
Dr. Eugene Grigsby Jr. at the Heddenart Gallery, opening reception. November 1st 2007
Celebrating his 89th Birthday with 89 Paintings.
Dr. Grigsby has organized exhibitions of African art for the Heard Museum, authored a text, Art and Ethics: Background for Teaching in a Pluralistic Society, and founded the Consortium of Black Organizations and Others for the Arts (COBA).
He holds degrees, including a Ph.D., in art, art history and art education from Morehouse College, Ohio State University and New York University. He came to Phoenix following World War II to teach art at Carver High School, and in 1954 he moved to Phoenix Union High School. He joined the faculty at Arizona State University in 1966 where he retired in 1988. Grigsby also served as a Trustee of Phoenix Art Museum.
by Sandy | Oct 31, 2007 | Art, Blogroll, Galleries

An exhibit of California abstract expressionist Emerson Woelffer, (1914 – 2003) begins on 11/1 thru 12/22/07 at the Hackett-Freedman Gallery, San Francisco, CA.
“The Structure of Improvisation”
250 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA
(415) 362 7152
by Sandy | Oct 26, 2007 | Art, Blogroll, Exhibits, Galleries
Centennial Exhibitions for the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)
Included will be 50 paintings from 1926 to 1954.
Her revealing and sometimes painful to look at self portraits will make up most of the exhibit, but, there will also be some of her lesser known still lifes on view.
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
October thru January, 2008
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
February thru May, 2008
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
June 14-September 16, 2008

Frida Kahlo, The Bus, 1929, Oil on canvas
by Bob Martin | Oct 9, 2007 | Education, Galleries
American Art Collector is launching their new publication Western Art Collector with a party at Scottsdale Artists’ School, on Wednesday October 17, 2007, from 6-9 PM.

This event is open to the public—and our Best & Brightest exhibit will be hanging and available for sale!
Come help celebrate the launch of their newest publication and celebrate the second Anniversary of American Art Collector Magazine.
Wednesday October 17, 2007
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Scottsdale Artist School
3720 N. Marshall Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Please RSVP by Friday October 12, 2007 or call (480) 246-3787
by Bob Martin | Sep 19, 2007 | Art, Culture, Galleries, Museums

First, thanks to all of you who came to the opening that I didn’t get the opportunity to thank personally.
There were lots of people, tons of handshakes, and paintings being sold. A Recipe for a great time.

Shemer Art Center and Museum in Phoenix Az.
by Bob Martin | Sep 7, 2007 | Art, Artist, Events, Exhibits, Galleries, Museums

If you are in town, please join me at the Shemer Art Center and Museum in Phoenix Az. for an exhibit of my paintings. The opening reception is on September 18th from 7PM to 9PM