by Sandy | Jan 10, 2011 | Art, Arts, Entertainment and Music, Blogroll, Books, Culture, Movies
Shakespeare’s Macbeth is my favorite.
I know, if I wish to impress, I should say – Hamlet, King Lear, etc.
They may be “deeper”, but, they’re not as much fun.
Macbeth has witches (3) it has ghosts (8 plus), (Hamlet only has a flickering dad). The play has a “moving” forest and a man with a questionable birth. This is drama! 
You are grabbed with the first scene and it won’t let you go until that pesky forest starts to inch forward, (I hope I haven’t given too much away)
I’ve seen Macbeth on stage once – the witches were in Japanese white Butoh masks(interesting). I have relied on an occasional reread and film rentals to revisit this story of power and madness. There are several British color versions from the 70’s and 80’s, but, the Orson Welles version is my favorite. He starred in and directed a stark, black & white minimalist film (read low budget with paper-mache sets, and cardboard crowns) in 1948.
Welles, as Macbeth, and Jeanette Nolan, as Lady M, bring the play to life. They, and the rest of the spirited cast, proceed to climb the scenery, without there being much to climb. (The sets are pretty bare). All underlying ambition and greed of the passionate duo is uncovered, They eventually embrace their baser nature with relish and self destruct. Sound familiar?
Wm. Shakespeare’s flawed characters transcend centuries and we can still relate.
Love it.
by Sandy | Dec 3, 2010 | Art, Blogroll, Culture, Exhibits, Museums
The Museum of the African Diaspora, in San Francisco, CA , has an exhibit called, “Art/Object: Re-contextualizing African Art “.
Featured are “masks, costumes, sculptures and objects of everyday use that show through multimedia recreated environments, photographs and archival footage how African objects from public and private collections were used in their original settings often to mark important rituals and ceremonies.”
Re-contextualizing African Art * until January 17, 2011
MoAD – The Museum of the African Diaspora
685 Mission Street San Francisco, CA
by Bob Martin | Nov 30, 2010 | Art, Creativity, Education, Learning, Writers
Great observation and wisdom by Walter Mosley for the creative mind, especially for us as we get older. We recall our personal and generational history in glowing terms and on occasions dismiss the talents of a younger generation. We remember SNL with Dan, John and Chevy as always hilarious, which was far from the truth. The old SNL had as many weaknesses if not more then the current version.
I feel that Mosley’s point of view can also be applied towards education, social relationship and personal aspirations. What there was to learn that we saw as being relevant 50 years ago may not serve the same purpose today.
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by Bob Martin | Oct 21, 2010 | Art, Culture, Events, Live Performance, music
Even back in the 1950’s, musical trends were moving almost as fast as they do today and the spotlight shined on talented musicians for a brief time.

Yusef Lateef
The games of who was the greatest or the best served to confuse the listening public into thinking that the greatest were those who died early in life.
Yusef Lateef, who has just turned ninety and who is an authentic and early contributor to our understanding musical culture or “World Music”, will be at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral this Friday, Oct 22, as a part of this year’s SFJazz Festival.
Lateef refutes the myth that “only the good day young”. Sometimes they live for what seems like forever. Happy life day.
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by Bob Martin | Oct 8, 2010 | Art, Education, Exhibits, Galleries, Museums
The Brooklyn Museum is still in my opinion a secret New York treasure. The museum is not located on museum row therefor it is a pre-meditated visit and it is a place that more people should think about visiting.

Young African by Consuelo Kanaga
There is current exhibit that ends Oct. 17th that is worth a drop by for anyone who wants to get a better and different handle on the history of this country.
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by Bob Martin | Sep 3, 2010 | Art, Concerts, Culture, Live Performance, music
Mose Allison who is best experience at his live performance vs. recordings will performing this weekend Sept 3rd to 5th at the Jazz Standard in NY.
The Mose Allison Trio Sept 3 to 5th, 2010 at Jazz Standard, NY.
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