Movies-Catching Up

Movies-Catching Up

(500) days of Summer

Two movies that I did not see when they first were released, “(500) days of Summer” and “Rachel Getting Married“,

Rachel Getting Married

I got to see them this past week. I can remember there being a buzz about both movies and  I had no expectations. I enjoyed both because of how they were written. One a melodrama and the other a romantic comedy and both were mysteries.

Some movies are predictable, following  a story template and depending on high production value to entertain us (How many cars are blown up).  Both of these movie where story driven, well acted and lightly produced. I got the sense that this is were everyone, the actors, writers, producer and director wanted to end up. I am just a sap for stories.

Tom Cruise – Back to Old Fashioned Movie Star

Tom Cruise – Back to Old Fashioned Movie Star

Promotional Photo "Knight and Day"

Went to see “Knight and Day” the Tom Cruise action/comedy flick over the holiday weekend and laughed myself silly. Reminded me of  a Carey Grant or John Wayne movie, where they play themselves. I’ve never heard Cruise use an accent or try to walk, smile  or look differently successfully (my opinion) with the one exception of Tropical Thunder. Cameron Diaz is the perfect comedy partner, Knight and Day is a different kind of  “Charlie’s Angels”.

“Apple Pie for Everyone” and “Someday”. That’s a dangerous word. It’s really just a code for ‘never’.

The movie borrows heavily and respectfully from recent action hero movies which adds to the fun. A good Saturday flick

About Women-Two Movies

About Women-Two Movies

There are tons of movies that tell interesting and compelling stories about women. Two movies stand out for me, “The Hours” and “Revolutionary Road“. The women in these movies are asked to give up who they are for the sake of normalcy and to embrace mediocrity instead of their dreams. Dreams, aspirations and achievement was a man’s domain and women were seen as farms, a place where something is grown. Giving up your individuality was cost of love and marriage.

Love is not Love if it’s not Free

Today the only people who talk about the good old days are the people who where not there or those who benefited from them. The American Dream is a bit more complex then we had thought. It is interesting watching these movies back to back.

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Art is Evolution – not – Revolution

Art is Evolution – not – Revolution

As mediums and technology change so does art. Technology gives us tools that help us view the world in ways that were not possible before. There has always been art movements about going back to some past and painting or sculpting like the “old Masters”, except we want to keep our lights, heaters and tubes of paint.

The movie  “Picasso and Braque go to the Movies” looks back at a brief period of time when the advent of Motion Pictures may have added the finishing touch to the “invention” Cubism. I think of Cubism as a re-interpretation of what was already there to be seen. Looking at Picasso’s African Period, Cézanne’s Still Lifes and Braque’s and Matisse Fauvist style, wedded to the flickering lights of silent movies and Cubism doesn’t seem so radical, even for 1900’s.

It has taken 100 years for cinema to feel the breath on its neck of a new medium and technology that also opens the door to how we exhibit paintings, listen to music or read. The IPad and devices like it that will follow evolved from our own creativity.
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Passing of Greatness

Passing of Greatness

Ms. Lena Horne one of the finest vocal stylists, performers and actors of the 2oth century passed away Sunday in New York.

So much was always made of her beauty, and she was extraordinarily beautiful, but I always questioned if enough attention had ever been paid to her vocal talents.

Here’s to a great artist, lets lift those champagne glasses high!

DVD Corner: United Artists

DVD Corner: United Artists

Some of my favorite movies, “Some Like It Hot”, “West Side Story”, “Raging Bull” are included with the 30 movies in this celebratory “United Artists 30-Disc Deluxe Gift Set”.


Some of the movies in this eclectic assortment are:

“The Apartment”, “Midnight Cowboy”, “Marty” , ”Twelve Angry Men”, “The Magnificent Seven”, “Judgment at Nuremberg” and “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”.

FYI – There is also a “UA 90th Anniversary Prestige Collection” with 90 films!

(Of course, you can always rent 🙂