How lucky I (we) am to be an artist. Not only do we create something out of nothing and have the capacity to show others how to perceive the world, we alter their psyche. I just finished watching Tarkovsky’s “Solaris” (Russia’s answer to “2001”) which has some of the most phenomenal, tactile cinematography. There is a moment in the film where the camera pans over Brueghel’s “The Hunters”. Looking at that shot triggered thoughts (and sounds) of “Peter and The Wolf”. In turn, “Solaris” became also a story, a moral tale, of a young boy venturing out against his parent’s wishes. If the director had put in a different painting, say something celebratory that triggered a Parliament song (Flashlight?), I might have concluded that space travel was an adventure well worth taking.
Much like “The Wrestler”, Darren Aronofsky takes a familiar storyline (Swan Lake), edges up so that it is thrilling and fun to watch. My suggestion is to Ignore all of the spin about this movie (both pro and con) and see “Black Swan” for yourself without any expectation. My surprise was Mila Kunis who I knew nothing about other then her stint on “That 70’s Show“. You may find other surprise!
I admit I had expectations for both Natalie Portman and Vincent Cassel and I was not disappointed.
Films that are dependent on story and story alone are what I think of as “little” films.
Claire Danes in Polish Wedding
They are little films because they are not blockbusters. Blockbusters are ordained to be big and successful, little films have to grow in popularity and unfortunately may never be successful. Hannah and her Sisters is one film that I’ve seen a number of times and continue to find delight in the story telling I’ve just seen David Duchovny’s House of D (Don’t think it was ever released to theaters) and Theresa Connelly’s (if she every existed) Polish Wedding, both films are first time efforts for writer/director story tellers and neither meets the standard of “successful” and you’ve got to start someplace. Duchovny will get a chance if he wants to write and direct another feature film and it’s unfortunate that Ms Connelly has not done anything else in film. Those of us who like story telling need to support folks who try- otherwise films will consist of a 40 minute gun battle, 20 minute car chases, 25 minutes of suggested sex, 10 minutes of dialogue and 25 minutes of credits for the special effects. Lets give the story tellers a second and third chance.
Catching up and just recently got to see the “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and was so utterly convinced by Noomi Rapace’s performance that when learning that she was being interviewed on that days Charlie Rose’s Program, I had no clue as to who she was. Hope that Charlie and Hulu don’t mind the love but hear is the interview. If by chance you don’t find it here look for it on Hulu.
Pixar was born a little over 30 years ago and their way of creating animated characters has
almost supplanted the then revolutionary animation done by the old Walt Disney company
(Pixar is now an important of the new Walt Disney Corp). Even the rodent has been replaced. In celebration of the nearly 25 years of making animated movies the Oakland Museum is exhibiting over 500 works of art done by the artist of Pixar.
My favorite of the films is Ratatouille. From Micky to Remy it’s the mouse that gets you.
One of the drawbacks in living in Arizona besides the obvious, is that the movie audience skews old, white and conservative(they make the most noise) so movies like “I am Love” and “The Radiant Child” take a little more time before being shown here.
“I am Love” is playing in one theater in the area and I hope to see it soon. “The Radiant Child” just might not get a viewing here at all which would be a shame.
Tilda Swinton
I try not read or listen to reviews (with the one exception of Cybel) so that I can experience the “surprise” of the movie. I want to see something for the first time through my eyes first. Selfish!
The photo of Basquiat at the top of the page is by Lee Jaffe and is beautiful.