by Bob Martin | Dec 5, 2008 | Art, Dance, Dancers, Events, Live Performance

Picture credit: Andrew Eccles
When living in New York, I would receive as a birthday present every December, tickets to a performance of the Alvin Ailey Dance Theater. The event was always trans-formative.
Judith Jamison
Congratulations to Judith Jamison, who has done an incredible job and to everyone who is in involved with this wonderful dance company.
by Sandy | Jul 8, 2008 | Art, Creativity, Culture, Dance, Dancers, Education, Events, Exhibits, Lecture, Live Performance, Poem, Writers
NBAF *Atlanta – July 18, thru July 27, 2008

Music, dance, film, theater, poetry, literature – all presented here, all celebrating the vibrant life and art of people of color.
There will also be special tributes to Gladys Knight, minus the “Pips”, and Judith Jamison of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (did you ever see her perform “Cry”?, Stunning).
National Black Arts Festival – 7/18 thru 7/27/08
1230 Peachtree St., NE, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA
“The mission of NBAF is to engage, cultivate and educate diverse audiences about the arts and culture of the African Diaspora and provide opportunities for artistic and creative expression.”
(Image credit: Shannon McCollum/National Black Arts Festival)
by Bob Martin | Jun 2, 2008 | Art, Culture, Dance, Dancers, Events, Live Performance

We went last year and had a great time. For more information call.
623-247-4869 or 623-215-2507
Title: African-Festival O8
Location: Arisona State University West Campus
Description: Celebrate African Music, Dance and Food.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2008-10-18
End Time: 18:00
by Bob Martin | Oct 22, 2007 | Dance, Dancers, Theater
October 20th, The Kawambe-Omowale African Drum & Dance Theatre, a Phoenix, Arizona-based performing arts company, celebrating more than 20 years in the Valley of the Sun!