It’s Movie Time-“Black Swan”

It’s Movie Time-“Black Swan”

Natatlie Portman "Black Swan"

Much like “The Wrestler”, Darren Aronofsky takes a familiar storyline (Swan Lake), edges up so that it is thrilling and fun to watch. My suggestion is to Ignore all of the spin about this movie (both pro and con) and see “Black Swan” for yourself without any expectation. My surprise was Mila Kunis who I knew nothing about other then her stint on “That 70’s Show“. You may find other surprise!

I admit I had expectations for both Natalie Portman and Vincent Cassel and I was not disappointed.

Lady GaGa and Katy Perry

Lady GaGa and Katy Perry

A personal observation and not a critique of these two performers. They seem similar to me, except Lady Gaga scares me a bit and I find Katy Perry fun. I am not their target market and I am fascinated by their performances. They remind me of high wire or trapeze artists, it looks dangerous (and it is) and they have it under control, for now.

Ghetto Ballet on HBO

Ghetto Ballet on HBO

Ghetto Ballet, a very tight well put together documentary (a little of a half hour) which in a relatively short period of time tells a story of four South African youth who have varied aspirations to be “classical” ballet dancers. They are part of a small group of students from Philip Boyd’s “Dance for All” a dancing academy created to teach disadvantage boys and girls classical and modern ballet.

Dance for All

Dance for All, Cape Town South Africa

The group is followed over the course of one year as they attempt to overcome their challenges and the choices that they make. On issue that is brought up in the film that I personally have had an issue with is that of ballet dancers weight and the focus on body type and I realized as I watched the film that teachers, regardless of their discipline can only teach what it is that they know.

The kids are sweet, beautiful and like any young person in the world, desire to have a better life for themselves and their families, which is their right. What this film is able to do without preaching or judging is to illustrate that the world may be culturally diverse and yet there is no distinction between us in our desire to live a meaningful life.

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The Dance

The Dance

Degas Dancers 1900 4Unfortunately, when an economy goes sour the first things that get cut are those things that bring you joy, which are in my opinion the only things that matter. The arts, specifically dance, is taking a hit across the country and possibly the world. What we can do about it is to find a way to contribute. Because of web 2.0 (are we at web 3.0 yet) everyone can contribute (supporting the arts is no longer exclusive), it doesn’t need to be a lot, but one buck from a million people is still a lot of money.

For starters we can start here — Dance Theatre of Harlem