“I Paint My House” – African Women’s Decorative Arts

“I Paint My House” – African Women’s Decorative Arts

“I Paint My House” by Margaret Courtney-Clarke is a collection of photographs of African women showing how they decorate their homes. In addition to pottery and textiles, there is a South and West African tradition of painting the outside of the house with bold shapes and bright colors representing the people that live inside. The women are able to express themselves as family history is documented through art and design.

paint.houseMs Courtney-Clarke has also produced coffee table sized books, “African Canvas: The Art of West African Women”, filled with her photographs of the bright geometric designs of Berber and Ghanaian women.

(“I Paint My House” is actually a book of postcards. But, the murals and decorations are so vibrant and alive, I haven’t mailed any.)


Passage on the Underground

Passage on the Underground

Today I got the chance to meet Stephen Marc again and to see his incredible book of photo montages and composites “Passage on the Underground“. Talking with Stephen is inspiring, full of lessons and new understanding about the history of the African in America.



While on his Underground Railroad explorations, Marc’s experiences include:

  • Discovering a long-lost false grave that was the exit from an escape tunnel for fleeing slaves. Though the exit had never been found by the local Underground Railroad historians, Marc’s fresh eye led him to what is now believed to be the solution to a 100-year-old mystery.
  • Visiting a house long ago owned by a conductor on the Underground Railroad, Marc talked his way in to photograph it during renovations, because he knew the amazing story of two escaped slaves who hid in the rafters, right above the heads of their would-be captors, who searched the house and left without finding them.
  • A connection with a New York community college in Jamestown, home of Catherine Harris, a conductor on the Underground Railroad. When Jamestown Community College attempted to purchase some of Marc’s work that was on display, he volunteered to create a custom piece that reflected the community’s connection to the Underground Railroad…. Passage on the Underground

Stephen shared with us a little about his next project. He is a man on a mission. He is available to speak with young people, especially middle graders, about Slavery, The Underground Railroad and African American History in General. He can be contacted via Arizona State University in Tempe AZ

(Originally posted on 2/6/2010)



Fixed on Red

I am having fun following my steps. I seem to be OK with changing the look of a painting in mid stream. As I’ve progressed, the painting starts to get a little too formal. The last painting seems to have lost some tension. My job is to see if I can revive it.

Mr Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Mr Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Even though he passed away last week, one of my favorite books, “100 Years of Solitude” written by Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, will remain one of the best and unforgettable reading experiences on any “great” list for years to come.

Written in 1967, the book recounts the history of a family that presides over a South American town called Macondo. It is the perfect “did it happen or didn’t it?” story. Critics refer to García Márquez as a pioneer of “magical realism”. His work is often time shifting, mystical and surreal, it takes the reader to a different space, a different time.

“100 Years of Solitude” is a magical story – a definite adventure, a great book.

Student Art Exhibition at DIA

Detroit student Exhinit at DIA  2014Detroit Institute of Arts/ DIA hosts the student’s show until Sunday June 8, 2014. “The Annual Detroit Public Schools Student Exhibition features hundreds of imaginative works created by Detroit Public Schools students in grades K-12, ranging from paintings, prints, drawings, photography, ceramics, videos, jewelry and more. The exhibition is free with museum admission.“



77th Annual Detroit Public Schools Student Exhibition

Until June 8, 2014 at the Detroit Institute of Arts

(Image:  “Keepers Of The Dreams”, Justin Coleman – Grade 12)

Picasso and Matisse – Together!

Picasso and Matisse – Together!

This July, the Detroit Institute of Arts presents the work of 2 legendary artists together is the presentation: Picasso and Matisse: The DIA’s Prints and Drawings

“Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) and Henri Matisse (1869–1954) were ground-breaking visionaries who constantly experimented with techniques and materials… The story of Picasso’s and Matisse’s stylistic progression and artistic range will be told through more than 100 prints and drawings, including exceptional works such as Matisse’s 1919 drawing The Plumed Hat and Picasso’s 1939 gouache The Bather by the Sea. Other highlights include Matisse’s famous series Jazz and Picasso’s etchings for the Dream and Lie of Franco, as well as many linoleum cuts by both artists.”

Picasso and Matisse: The DIA’s Prints and Drawings

Until January 6, 2013

Detroit Institute of Arts/ DIA, 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI