This month the Newark Museum opened a dynamic exhibition addressing the mix and richness of Cuban art- The Ajiaco: Stirrings of the Cuban Soul.

“In 1939, anthropologist Fernando Ortiz characterized Cuban culture as ajiaco, a rich stew consisting of a large variety of ingredients. The ingredients of the “stew” include Catholicism brought in by the Spaniards; the spirituality of the Yoruba slaves and their cultural traditions from Africa; and the Chinese indentured servants who brought Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The base of the stew is the indigenous people, such as Tainos, who were almost wiped out by the Spaniards. “

The Ajiaco: Stirrings of the Cuban Soul – Until 8/14/11

The Newark Museum
49 Washington Street, Newark, NJ

Images:  El Artista (The Artist), Luis Cruz Azaceta (b. 1942)  and  Se Alimenta mi Espíritu (My Soul is Nourished), Manuel Mendive (b. 1944)