Examples of Romare Bearden’s graphic art will be highlighted at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco, CA . 

“From Process to Print: Graphic Works by Romare Bearden”  will be just one of many presentations planned around the country to acknowledge the artist’s centennial. “It’s an exhibition honoring Romare Bearden’s remarkable versatility as an artist and his mastery of the print medium. The works in this exhibition show Bearden’s extra-ordinary facility for weaving into every art form a rich tapestry of literary, biblical, mythological, popular culture and western and non-western themes that were informed by his African American cultural experiences. Bearden incorporated into his art work a rich montage of influences from American, African, Asian and European art and culture and took inspiration from memories and experiences of the rural South, the urban North and the Caribbean.”

From Process to Print: Graphic Works by Romare Bearden – 7/3/11

MoAD – The Museum of the African Diaspora

685 Mission Street San Francisco, CA