I love textiles. Texture and color just spurs imagination. Remember “Tie Dye”? It did not begin and end in the 60’s – the dyeing continues and the San Francisco de Young Museum’s presentation called “To Dye For: A World Saturated in Color“, explores the past and also brings us up to date.

“To Dye For features over 50 textiles and costumes from the Fine Arts Museums’ comprehensive collection of textiles from Africa, Asia and the Americas. A truly cross-cultural presentation, the exhibition showcases objects from diverse cultures… historical pieces are contrasted with artworks from contemporary Bay Area artists. The exhibition highlights several recent acquisitions, including important gifts such as a pair of ikat-woven, early-20th-century women’s skirts from the Iban people of Sarawak, Malaysia and two exquisite hand-painted and mordant-dyed Indian trade cloths used as heirloom cloths by the Toraja peoples of Sulawesi, Indonesia.”

To Dye For: A World Saturated in Color” *  until 1/9/11

de Young Museum
Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive, San Francisco, CA

(Image: coat by Oscar de la Renta)