I love the Travel Channel – they work really hard to create something different in the tried and true travel/ pretty pictures genre. I happened to run across a “sports” show called, “Dhani Travels the Globe”. Dhani (pronounced DaHani) Jones, linebacker for the Cincinnati Bengals, is the host of this program devoted to exploring “the way sports helps to define a culture”. His intent is to get to know people around the world by learning the games they play.
He has visited Australia, New Zealand, Cambodia, Thailand, Spain, Russia and Ireland. We watch as Dhani gamely tries his best to keep up with the locals in their favorite sports. He is a nice guy and a good sport.
The Travel Channel – check local listings
Dhani has a blog – http://dhani-blog.travelchannel.com/
*Travel Channel photos: Dhani surfing and Scuba diving in Australia and Dhani in Thailand trying out Muay Thai